Tuesday, February 4, 2014

3 month photo shoot

month three

 11/27/13 three months old

Oh Man month 3 is an amazing one!!!!! He is smiling at every thing and every one! He found his feet and cannot let them go. I mean, CANNOT let them go. He grabs on for dear life like someone is going to come and take them away! He's a goober. He started giggling this month and that is the ABSOLUTE MOST BEAUTIFUL sound in the world!!
This month we celebrated Thanksgiving so he got to meet some more family and he ate up the attention. On Thanksgiving day he started mumbling for the first time. It was insanely adorable.

He weighs close to 14 lbs  now and hasn't really grown much in length. But those cheeks just keep getting chubbier and more kissable :-)

Month two

10/27/13 Lucas turns 2 months old

By two months we were really getting this parenting thing down :-) Lucas is such an amazingly good baby. He was starting to get such a little personality by this point. Smiling a lot, making what were almost giggle like noises, finding his hands (man, those things are interesting!) and being a lot more independent and not needing mommy or daddy to hold him all the time.

At his 2 month check up he weighed in at 13 lds 10 oz and was 23 in long! Growing like a weed and sleeping soooo much better. He wakes up about twice a night for feedings and once he even slept 7 hours straight!!!! That was a great night for mommy!

He loves anything soft and cuddly, bath time, daddy singing to him, and his swing!

Month One

9/27/13 Lucas turns one month old

That first month was insane and amazing and sleepy.... so sleepy!! This first month Lucas was a Mama's Boy to the extreme. He would get very frustrated when around new people. Which he was a lot, since he was so stinking cute and every one wanted to come see him!
At his one month check up he weighed in at 10 lbs 11 oz and was 21 inches long :-) My big boy!!!

He smiled for the first time this month (probably gas I'm sure but I loved it!!) He also would giggle in his sleep.

He was such a good sleeper right away getting up every couple hours just to eat and would fall right to sleep. We were so lucky to get a baby who loves to sleep!!